The YMCA Alternative Suspension Program aims to reduce future suspensions and disciplinary sanctions by offering participants an opportunity to transform their time away from school into a positive experience that encourages personal growth, the development of social skills, and autonomy. The program is a resource for children and youth 11-17 years old who display problematic behaviours at school, experience challenges in their social and academic development, and are suspended from school (or placed to prevent a suspension). Rather than being sent home, youth are supported with school work, participate in workshops and discussions, and learn new skills tailored to the issues that brought them to the program.
Because of the work of a few, many Prince George charities have benefited by the creation of the Prince George Community Foundation. More than 25 years ago the Foundation was just a dream. Today it has granted back over $4.89 million and we're just getting started. We are proud to release this video in honor of those who came before us and worked so tirelessly to create a Foundation that will benefit all Prince George residents. Please enjoy.