The horse shelters down at the Agriplex are in need of rebuilding as with horses who weight 2000 lbs wear their environment down. Under the SPCA act "all horses must have protection from harmfull effects of extreme weather. Our horses stay out in the 10 x 10 paddock, so they are open to all kinds of weather
We would like to have our floors repaired so the horses can bed down in a proper place. We need to fix up their environment so that the horses have a good place when they bed down in their paddocks.
The horses are a major asset for us and are a part of our volunteer panel. Without the horses we would not have a program.
If we do not have proper shelters our client program of the person with disablities could be in jeopardy. We need to have a safe environment for our horses and client program. The riders feed the horses during the week with an adult helper to make this program be a reality They get paid for their time and this gives them more self confidence and hopefully finding a job in the community.
Because of the work of a few, many Prince George charities have benefited by the creation of the Prince George Community Foundation. More than 25 years ago the Foundation was just a dream. Today it has granted back over $4.89 million and we're just getting started. We are proud to release this video in honor of those who came before us and worked so tirelessly to create a Foundation that will benefit all Prince George residents. Please enjoy.