UPDATE: New performance dates added!
Running March 27th to April 27th, 2025, Miracle Theatre is proud to present both Lunenburg and Here on the Flightpath, in repertory. Come to one or both!
Tickets are $39.50 and available at Books & Company
1685 3rd Ave, or 250-563-6637
All funds raised from the 2025 Miracle Theatre productions will support vulnerable seniors in our community through the establishment of the Prince George Seniors' Emergency Fund with the PGCF. This permanent endowment fund will provide annual funding to the Prince George Council of Seniors for emergency and hardship support.
For full information please visit https://www.miracletheatre.ca
Thank you to everyone who sponsored, volunteered, and took in this year's production. We are thrilled to announce that $180,025 was raised to purchase a wildfire structural protection unit to help safeguard our community.
Thanks to our 2024 Sponsors