Smart & Caring Communities

As we approach our country's 150th birthday Canada's Governor General, The Right Honourable David Johnston, has challenged Canadians to imagine our country as it could be – a smart and caring nation that holds promise for all.

Community foundations across Canada are rising to this challenge with Smart & Caring Communities, our contribution to building a 'smart and caring nation.' Our network will rally together in pursuit of two goals: to ensure every Canadian community has access to a community foundation and to connect those communities by establishing Smart & Caring Community Funds.

By 2017, communities across Canada will be home to their own Smart & Caring Community Fund dedicated to seeking out and seeding local opportunities for generations to come. When Canada celebrated its Centennial Year we built arenas and community centres to foster our nation's growing sense of community. Leading up to 2017, community foundations across Canada will establish a local Smart & Caring Community Fund to support critical priorities, key projects, or ongoing needs in their community.

Each fund will be unique to its community, but all will share similar values and a 'smart and caring' goal. Together they will leave a nation-wide legacy for Canada's 150th birthday – a permanent asset that will serve Canadian communities for generations to come.

Leverage a moment in time. Smart & Caring Communities combines the Governor General's passion for strong and healthy communities with a milestone that our entire nation will celebrate. This is an unprecedented opportunity to unite our movement in a national goal that will touch communities across the country.

Connecting the head and heart. By establishing a Smart & Caring Community Fund our community foundation has a chance to make a statement about what you know and love about your community: its special attributes, strengths, and opportunities. This is a chance to establish and grow a fund that is dynamic and flexible and speaks to our community's priorities.

You can be part of our Smart and Caring Community by donating now… by Giving Something Back!